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  • Saturday, February 18, 2006

    So much for Brittany...

    There seems to be a trend towards the more traditional in naming kids born in the US these days, at least according to the Social Security Administration's database. Interesting. I wonder if the national political climate and this kind of trend have any relationship?


    The year I was born, a version of my name was #14. But my particular spelling? It peaked at 104 in 1966 and was 105 the year I was born but has since dropped out of the top 1000.

    And who da' thunk it but my brother, whose given name is Warren (but he goes by his middle name), beat me out at 24 in 1921 and still remains in the top 1000. My other brother's name is spelled in a whacky way, so he doesn't get much play in the SSA database.

    No wonder I could never get personalized license plates for my bicycle when I was a kid and we went to souvenir shops at the beach...

    (I also don't show up on the database of popular names by state. Oh well, the price of being unique!)

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