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  • Friday, February 17, 2006

    I figured that someone HAD to have done this

    Which Supreme Court Justice Are You?

    Unfortunately, it's old... from 2003. I was hoping there'd be an updated one with the recent changes in the court, but I guess the two newbies haven't served enough time on the bench to discern exactly what their rulings will be, although we can extrapolate from their years as circuit court judges.

    What result? I'm proud to say (drum roll please)...

    John Paul Stevens
    You're John Paul Stevens! You are the sole remaining true liberal on the court. You stand proudly for what you believe in, and you seem to refuse to slow down. You are strong when you should be weak, and by all accounts, you'll live to be 200, good job!

    Yay! No way Justice JPS failed his bar, right?

    But I wonder what it would have taken to be dubbed Justice Ginsberg?

    BUT then there's this quiz by SelectSmart which tells me that my ideologies match up as follows (again, this is old):
    #1 Breyer
    #2 Ginsburg
    #3 Souter
    #4 Stevens
    #5 O'Connor
    #6 Kennedy
    #7 Rehnquist
    #8 Scalia
    #9 Thomas

    I can absolutely live with that.

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