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  • Thursday, February 28, 2008

    How soon we forget...

    In MD, the bar was Tuesday and yesterday, and depending on where you are, you may still be taking the bar right now.

    I totally forgot that that dratted quizzie was this week until a friend reminded me last night. We both expressed how glad we were to have that misery behind us. For me, I took the bar two years ago. This time in 2006, I was recuperating and quickly forgetting all that I had studied for that two-day brain dump.

    I don't really know anyone who took the bar this week. One former classmate did because she moved and had to take it again (because she hadn't been practicing long enough to waive in). But that's about it.

    Yeah, it's a nice luxury to be able to forget about such things.

    Anyone out there who took it this week -- congrats on getting through it!


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