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  • Friday, January 06, 2006

    Another ugly truth

    I never thought I'd find myself in this situation, but here I am: done with law school and no job.

    To be precise, I am working as a law clerk now -- which is giving me great experience and flexibility for studying for the bar -- but I have no offers of a full time legal job. I don't even have the prospects of one.

    This hurts. It hurts my financial situation, my plans, my ego. Mostly my ego. I'll cop to that.

    I did a big law summer associateship which did not pan out for many reasons, mine and theirs. I applied to federal sector honors programs and made the final cut -- just not the final, final cut. I have a GPA that will probably (fingers crossed) allow me to graduate with honors -- or a near miss -- from a top tier law school. What I don't have is employment. Yet.

    I've done a lot of thinking about it, and I know that part of the reason is my age and experience. No, no overt discrimination. I just don't fit into the typical "newbie" lawyer box. (more about this in another post) And you may be thinking that it's something more personal about me that is keeping the jobs at bay. That may be true, but it's impossible for me to know. However, having been continuously employed for the past 15 years, I tend to think, hope not.


    Anyone got a job in the DC-metro area for a very smart, cute wanna-be (momentarily feeling slightly sorry for herself) lawyer like me?

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