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  • Saturday, October 21, 2006

    Almost famous

    Today's WaPo Metro section featured an article on the shelter from which we adopted Gidget. Front and center was a picture of a pup that could have been her... but upon closer inspection, we realized it wasn't. She doesn't have white paws or a white chest. But the picture is exactly how we met her. And we wonder if the pooch is a relative since it seems to be the same Beagle/Doxie mix.

    Check out the story about the animal rescue. And even if you aren't so interested in the history and current work of this wonderful shelter -- which just underwent a massive multimillion dollar renovation -- check out the pictures of the animals (picture #2 is the one we thought was Gidget, at first). They will have you "awwwwww"ing. Guaranteed.

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