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  • Monday, February 06, 2006


    Me. I'm buried in the bar review. Good news is that I took a practice Multistate Bar on Sunday under supposed exam conditions (well, a near approximation) -- despite not having yet really hit the books hard on all but one of the subjects -- and I got a score hovering around 60%.

    That may not sound good, but I was SO excited. Above 60% is my target for passing, and I achieved this despite my lack of substantive knowledge. The exam may have been easier than the real one, so no way I'll rest on my laurels, but... there's hope!

    And despite my panic about the bar, I didn't want to let too much time go by without noting the recent and huge losses to the civil rights and women's movements... the passing of Coretta Scott King last month (a pillar of strength in her own right and also because of the strength she gave her husband and family), playwright Wendy Wasserstein and pioneer of the feminist movement Betty Friedan.

    All women of voice -- some louder than others -- leadership, and power. Their work, their messages, their contributions have shaped the experience and opportunities of generations of women, including mine. Thank you.

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