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  • Friday, February 03, 2006

    Panic attacks

    Yes, panic is attacking me. I am suffering severe anxiety over the impending bar, which mostly likely will drop squarely on my head leaving me forever and permanently scarred from the experience.

    There is so much to know, most of which I am learning for the first time -- because I either didn't take the course during law school or because I didn't learn it to this level of detail. And the bar is so very different from law school. Analysis and essays I can do. Distinguishing between the common law rule in Shelley's case v. the contemporary rule? I never learned it in the first place. The rule has been mostly abolished! Who cares? Answer: those bastards who administer the Multistate Bar Examination. And that's just the start. Shall we discuss fee simple determinables and the right of reverter, as compared to a reversion, remainder, shifting executory interest or even a springing executory interest...? Noooooooooooooooooo!

    So basically, we're responsible for all the settled law in property, constitutional law, torts, criminal law, criminal procedure, evidence, and contracts -- including the archaic and arcane.

    (breathe, breathe...)

    Yes, I am panicking. The amount to memorize is truly daunting. I feel like I'm treading water... no, not surface water under the "common enemy rule", the deep kind.


    I even changed my voice mail on my cell phone to tell people that I am studying for the bar, so leave a message and wishes of good luck (and don't expect to hear from me in a terribly timely manner)...

    Gak! Gak!!

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