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  • Friday, September 24, 2004

    ...And never the twain shall meet.

    It's been said time and time again -- and we all know it from our own experiences -- but everytime it happens, it still shocks me like cold water splashed in my face: men and women just DO NOT think alike. And by that, I don't mean that our opinions are different; I mean that our thought processes are not the same. We can start at exactly the same place and end up at wildly divergent destinations. And since most of us neglect to remember this chasm of a difference, we usually believe that we are communicating to each other in plain language with crystal-clear meanings. Oh no, my friend... this is a trap for the naive!

    For example, a recent conversation...
    She: I have a pounding headache.
    He: Take an aspirin.
    (now she's annoyed, and he is a sitting duck for the next time she gets annoyed and lets him have her pent-up frustrations)

    Had the conversation been between two women...

    She: I have a pounding headache.
    Her friend: Oh, you poor thing! Is there anything I can do to help you feel better? Maybe some aspirin?
    (despite the pounding headache, she feels good)

    Had the conversation been between two men... Well, let's face it, one guy would never bother to mention a headache to another guy. He'd just go take the aspirin.

    Now let's look at that exchange again and delve for the meaning behind the words...

    She: I have a pounding headache. (meaning: "I don't feel good and am looking for some sympathy; knowing you care will help me feel better.")
    He: Take an aspirin. (meaning: "Okay, I understand that you have a problem, so here's a solution." I take your words to present a problem, not to communicate a feeling or emotional need -- this is why I will be completely blindsided when you get annoyed at me.)

    And this is why a kiss is never just a kiss, nor a sigh just a sigh.

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