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  • Monday, March 14, 2005

    Why is it that

    When I was a kid, about 6, I wrote this poem. I was so impressed with myself that I still remember it decades later...

    Can hot water put out fire?
    Why are there two names for fall?
    Why can't a kangeroo jump a lot higher?
    And why can't I jump a wall?

    That hot water thing had me truly perplexed, let me tell you! Now, my consternation turns to more complex stuff, such as:

  • Why are all the late night interview-type show hosts are men (think Leno, Letterman, Carson, Kilborne, Hall, etc.) and all the daytime show hosts are women (think Oprah, Jane Pauley, Ellen, Rosie, etc.)?

  • Why are Republicans such hypocrites? They advocate smaller government but create new agencies; they scream states' rights but push to intervene with the Terry Schiavo case (where the state officials have spoken); they think all Americans should be treated alike (e.g., no affirmative action or outreach to special constituency groups), except when it comes to Christian faith-based initiatives; they rant and rave about character but when Tom DeLay gets all but caught for ethical violations, what do they do? Hold his feet to the fire? Nope, they change the ethics rules to allow him to keep on keeping on...

  • Why do people get presents on their birthdays? Shouldn't their mother's get the presents for doing all the work?

  • Why don't Al Franken and Ben Stein do a point/counter-point show called FrankenStein?

  • This may just keep me up at night...

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