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  • Thursday, June 26, 2008

    Jones soda has always had interesting marketing ideas...

    They print their labels with photo contest winners (yay Eryn!) to make themselves seem less of a large manufacturer and more of the friendly-company-next-door.

    And it works.

    Now, they're using the presidential campaign as their latest advertising gimmick. "Campaign Cola" it's called. You can vote for your candidate by buying the soda with him (or her 'cuz Hillary is still available) on the label. And, oh, a six-pack is a mere $15. That's $2.50 per bottle, all for the priviledge of sucking down one with Obama's, Clinton's or McCain's face on it.

    Yeah... dunno about that. They also have links about the candidates and election info, etc. on the website, so I guess it's not just a marketing ploy but also an attempt to raise public awareness about the candidates and foster civic involvement.

    Or, it might just be a marketing ploy.

    But then again, the bottles will probably be collectible in a decade or so. So, if you have extra space in your garage or basement to fill with crap to hang onto for another 20 years in the hopes that someone will pay more than $2.50 per bottle, go for it!

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