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  • Sunday, June 10, 2007

    List of accomplishments for today

    in no particular order

    * watch Sunday morning political shows
    * walk Gidget x 2
    * clean downstairs bathroom (the one with all of the sawdust)
    * vacuum the basement
    * assemble our new grill (a mighty feat of following directions)
    * cut the grass
    * shower
    * fold laundry
    * read the paper
    * rub my feet
    * break down boxes for recycling
    * put out garbage for pick-up tomorrow
    * feed Gidget
    * go out and get us Thai food
    * put up with my bullshit
    * fall asleep in front of the TV
    * probably lots of other stuff that I'm unaware of since he got up earlier than I did

    * feed Gidget
    * assemble new tower fan (which works really well)
    * make fried rice for us for lunch
    * eat chocolate x 2
    * do a load of dishes (in the dishwasher)
    * put away dishes
    * do a load of laundry
    * fold laundry
    * put up towel bar in bathroom (which involved power tools and ended up being more of an ordeal than it should have)
    * assemble cheap storage cabinet for bathroom
    * read bloglines
    * shower
    * hang shower curtain/curtain liner
    * unpack and put away some clothes and bathroom and kitchen stuff (but not much)
    * clean kitchen sink
    * clean stains on carpet (from Gidget or previous owners' dogs... dunno)
    * wipe up Gidget's regurgitation because she ate grass
    * sand down plaster on wall
    * vacuum plaster dust

    My list may look longer, but SM definitely did more work than I did. No question. Most of my tasks were short spurts of energy, unlike the several hours it took him to assemble the grill. Also, notably missing from my list (other than showering)? Unpacking boxes. We didn't do much of that this weekend, but we did eliminate some boxes by virtue of assembling furniture and appliances that we bought.

    Rationalization, I know.

    We still have a lot, lot to do. But slowly...

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